The H.A.P.P.Y PROJECT is for children and individuals with ASD from age 4 till 99.

Depending on the individual age, the processes are a bit different:

  • For children age 4-12, I will work mainly with the parents. Together with the information given by the parents a workbook will be made tailored for the child with suggestions that could increase the child’s well-being and happiness. That is what it will be:  a workbook full of suggestions.
    That leaves the parents with the choice if something does not work well, to move over to plan B or even plan C. This is another reason why it is called a workbook containing tools, strategies and resources.
  • For teenagers age 12- 18, I will work with the adolescent and the parents to tailor a workbook for the individual with ASD. Here both inputs are necessary. For the first part about what makes me feel good, the individual with ASD can give the most accurate information. Whilst the second part about resilience and making other people happy, the input from the parents or caregivers can be very useful.
  • As of the age of 18, the adult with ASD can decide to do make the plan only with me or with parents/caregivers. It all depends on how the person with ASD is feeling and what he/she/them thinks what the best way is.

Giving individuals with ASD a voice is a first step towards an inclusive society.